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Join me in 24 Hours of No Complaining – And See how Your Life Begins to Change

Four years ago I took a 24 Hour No Complaint Challenge with some Twitter friends. The challenge made me realize how many complaints and negative thoughts I actually had in a day! And that made me want to make the change to a positive mindset.

I started my blog with the goal of spreading positivity. I ran a No Complaints Challenge with a group in 2016 on Twitter. Would you believe that the very day of our challenge was the infamous “Twitter Down” – that’s right. Twitter went down! And there was no way to tweet that Twitter was down – that was probably the worst part. lol

It wasn’t a coincidence that Twitter went down that day, on our no complaints challenge day. And the drama that popped up for participants that day also wasn’t a coincidence.

I think that challenges arise for us to learn how to handle them with positivity. And if we don’t, then they crop back up again, until we learn from them. So look at whatever pops up as something that needs focus from you. Something that you could handle in a different way. Rather than going to anger or frustration, stay calm and look to the positive.

My first no complaints challenge turned into a second day then a third and ran for five full days. At the end of the fifth day, I was ready to blow up because I didn’t know how to handle the feelings of anger, frustration and generally feeling sorry for myself which I had been suppressing for the past five days.

Changing to a positive mindset is not as simple as just stopping complaining because you have to deal with the emotions you are feeling. With that in mind, I have two goals in running this new No Complaints Challenge & for the members of my Facebook Community:

  1. Successfully complete the 24 Hour No Complaints Challenge & hopefully continue for a few more days after that.

  2. Learn how to make positivity a permanent fixture in your life.

Part One – The 24 hour no complaints challenge

Date – Wednesday 25 October 2017

Purpose – To focus on your thoughts and words. And to realize how many of those thoughts and words are positive vs. negative.

Goal – To refrain from negative words or thoughts for 24 hours, push the negative out when it comes in.

Ways to Support the Challenge

  1. Wear a bracelet or ring in a new place as a reminder, or draw a little mark or place a sticker on the back of your hand to serve as a visual reminder.

  2. Keep the challenge in the front of your mind for the day, keep reminding yourself that it is a positive day.

  3. Hold a positive energy in your heart and mind for the day.

  4. Check in with the Facebook Community often throughout the day to keep yourself inspired and supported. I will be posting to the group every couple of hours that day & I encourage everyone else to post and reply and motivate each other too.

Don’t Give Up if Things Get Tough – Be prepared for things to go wrong or to be difficult that day. The Universe has a funny way of teaching us. Like when Twitter went down. Look at whatever crops up as a test to pass – don’t give up because a situation occurs that makes you really want to complain.

Be Determined – Set your mind that you will complete this challenge. If you are thinking: “I’ll try” or “oh this will be soooo hard,” then it will be hard and you might give up because you are setting yourself up to fail. You need to set your mind that you will complete this challenge with ease and a positive mindset.


Part Two – Making Positivity A Permanent Part of Your Life

I am hoping that we can continue the no complaints challenge and let it run for a few more days, not just 24 hours. But I want to give you more ideas to support you so that you can adopt a positive mindset for life, not just for a challenge.

A positive person attracts positive things. What Buddha says in the quote above, what you think, you become. This is so very true! And that all begins with your mindset.

I have lots of ideas I want to share with you. Things that work for me and things I have learned since I have started to focus on having a positive mindset. But, I don’t think it’s a good idea to overload you with too many ideas at once. I think the no complaints challenge is the best first step to take. It will make you more aware of your thoughts and words.

Follow the tips I have written above to help you succeed at the challenge. Keep that positivity on the front of your mind for the day. I will have a follow-up post weekly with different ideas that I hope you will find useful moving forward down your path of positivity.

You don’t need to be in my Facebook Community to take part in the challenge. But you might find it beneficial as a place of support and a place to read positive quotes. You are also equally welcome to join the group but not take part in the challenge.

I’m super excited for no complaints day this Wednesday the 25 October & for this new adventure! I hope you will join me!! xx

Follow Cuddle Fairy for more positivity…

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