Seriously, where did September go? I feel like the kids just started back to school!!
My little lady is doing sooo well in Junior Infants (which is Kindergarten to my American followers). She is loving it all – even the homework. It’s really great to see. The boys are both settled into their new classrooms.
We are ALL looking forward to heading off on an adventure next week. I am posting the official announcement tomorrow of where we are going, staying, doing – all of the plans! So stay tuned for that!!
Our summer was quite uneventful and we haven’t been away since last year so we really just can’t wait for this lovely break.
This month we also have a wedding for one of my bestest friends. She lives in Australia now so it will be amazing to have her back for the week and to enjoy her wedding day. I am sharing my day to day life on my Instagram story, find me there to hear all of the news and daily goings-on.
I started circuit training and have angered all of the muscles in my body. Many of which I didn’t know existed. It’s the first proper exercise I’ve done since before Christmas so it’s good to be back and good to be in a class. I haven’t taken a class since moving to Ireland. I am hoping having this set for two mornings per week will help me get into a good routine again.
Here on my blog I haven’t been writing as many posts. I have so much going on with Instagram and with my #PositvityCorner Twitter chat that less is happening here. And I want to create my online courses for positive thinking too – there’s so much to organize! If you have any suggestions for courses you’d like to have please let me know!
Fav Products
I want to show you a few products I was sent over the summer. I have reached a new stage on the blog where we get sent lots of lovely things with no strings attached. I’ve been showing them on my Insta story. But these few items stand out from the crowd and are ones we have really loved, and that’s why I want to show you a bit more about them and how we have used them…

The Neutrogena Hydro Boost range is amazing. It’s so nice on my skin and it has the added spf which is ideal. I’ve been using it every morning. You can add a squirt of the boost to make it even more moisturizing.
The Aveeno Naturals range has been a real life saver. When my son’s cast came off his leg was so itchy and his skin was peely. In one bath with the Aveeno Dermexa body wash, he had relief and smooth skin again. We used the emollient cream daily on his leg too which was a big help to restoring his skin and it was done so quickly. Since then I’ve bought more bottles of the Aveeno body wash as we all love it.
Giveaways & New Video
I have 4 really nice giveaways up right now. The latest is for a Discovery Young Explorer Kit. I created a movie that features the kit. I’m quite happy with how it turned out. Let me know what you think of it! This is our backyard by the way…
Cuddle Fairy Soft Toy
Also in September, I had some lovely Cuddle Fairy soft toys made by Budsies! They turn drawings into stuffed animals. So I sent them my Cuddle Fairy logo and they came back with this adorable Cuddle Fairy softie!!…

Isn’t she so adorable?? The Budsies website was super easy to use. I got one edit and voila, she arrived. Budsies made me two Cuddle Fairy softies complimentary, so I have one to giveaway. I’ll be announcing the giveaway soon. She turned out so well and is put together so nicely I’m really thrilled with her.
I have the option to bulk order more Cuddle Fairy’s which hopefully I can do someday! Would you have any interest in buying a Cuddle Fairy soft toy??
Let me know how your September went in the comments. And any suggestions you have for me on my positivity courses & thoughts on a Cuddle Fairy soft toy.