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Why is Community Involvement Important for Young People?

There are lots of ways to interpret the term “community involvement”; it could be charity fundraising, volunteering, donating, or even just helping an elderly neighbour with their garden maintenance. Regardless, it’s important for parents to teach their children to get involved in some way because it will teach them a variety of skills and may help them develop a sense of compassion. I have teamed up with an international school in Hertfordshire to explore the importance of community involvement in further detail.

Increases Confidence

If your child spends all of their time in the safety and comfort of their own home, they will never develop the confidence they need to thrive in the real world. With that said, by encouraging them to put down their digital devices and get out into the community, they will become more comfortable stepping out of their comfort zone in the future.

Anything that allows your child to engage with new experiences and meet different people will be fantastic for their self-esteem.

Teaches Key Skills

As mentioned above, community involvement takes on my different shapes and sizes, but whatever way your child decides to get involved, they will develop fantastic transferrable skills. For example, if they volunteer at a local charity shop, they will learn customer service skills and money management, which might help them get a job in the future. I

f they travel overseas to build a religious building or school for those less fortunate, they will become more proficient in things like carpentry, as well as becoming independent travellers.

Puts Things Into Perspective

It can be easy to forget how fortunate we are sometimes, but helping your child understand that other people go through a huge range of different hardships, they may become more content and grateful for what they have rather than dwelling on what they don’t have. As a result, they may be less likely to take things for granted and they will become more compassionate towards others, because you never know what people are going through.

Essentially, as our children start to interact more with the world outside of their little bubble, they naturally start to become more inquisitive, and their skills and knowledge will increase. Why not speak to their school and find out if they have any suitable initiatives that your child could take part in?

Just remember not to pressure them to do something that they don’t feel particularly passionate about, as this might cause resentment. Help them understand their options when it comes to community involvement and allow them to choose which route they’d like to take.

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