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5 Ways to Streamline your Chores and Make Life Easier

Collaborative post with Laundryheap

For busy people like parents, chores can really stressful and the to-do list can feel never-ending. It is important to streamline your chores to make life easier so you can enjoy yourself and time with the kids.

Here are my top five tips to help you make simple and effective changes to your routine which will save you time and stress.

1. Use Laundryheap for your Laundry Needs

For any busy parent, laundry is a never-ending story! From separating it, washing, drying then folding, it takes a lot of time and effort to stay on top of it! With some chores, it is best to pick your battles! And laundry is a really simple and reasonable one to outsource.

Laundryheap is a popular way to have your laundry and dry cleaning done quickly! They have a 24-hour turnaround time and even offer free delivery! I mean, it doesn't get much easier than that. It is simple to schedule a collection and you will have your laundry delivered back within 24hrs.

At Laundryheap they offer convenience at a reasonable price and can handle all of your laundry needs including home and bedding items as well as dry cleaning, ironing and standard laundry services.

2. Clean in Short Bursts

If the cleaning is left, the house can get bad pretty quickly. And then a big clean is required which we can often put off because of how time consuming that becomes. If instead you do a little cleaning every few days, it will help keep things neat, tidy and clean throughout the house.

I often divide the upstairs and downstairs cleaning into two different days. It makes it more manageable and feels like less of a task to take on.

3. Assign the Kids Basic Chores

Let kids help by doing some simple chores around the house. They can do things such as tidying up their toys, clean their bedroom, stacking toilet rolls in the bathrooms, dusting and emptying the dishwasher.

Getting the whole family involved will help tremendously. We can often times not want to ask for help and try to do everything ourselves but in the long run, dividing up the tasks makes a huge difference.

4. Prioritize

Each week it's important to prioritize your to-do list. Sometimes things simply have to wait for another week. It's important not to overload yourself with chores because that adds unnecessary stress.

Making a list can help with organising what should be done and when. Then you don't have to keep thinking about it, you can refer to the list when the time comes.

5. Meal Plan

Cooking meals can be extra time-consuming if you need to run to the shop daily or several times per week. If you take a few minutes to plan out meals for the week and do one shop that will cut down on the time spent going to and from the shops. Meal planning has also been shown to reduce waste and cost as well.

It's important to streamline your chores to save yourself valuable time and stress. There are many ways to do it from being more organized to outsourcing some of the chores such as using Laundryheap for your laundry needs. Do you have any tips to add?

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