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Writer's pictureBecky O'Haire

How to encourage children to do their homework

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Homework is an important aspect of the school experience for children. It’s a necessary component to their education in most schools. And also a way for parents to monitor how their child’s learning is coming along.

But, it’s not always easy to get your kids to do their homework. And often times it can become a battle of wills between child and parent as to whether or not it gets done. Or done without someone losing their temper. After being in school all day, kids don’t want to settle down to do more work.

Homework doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With a few simple steps, you can develop a positive homework experience for kids and parents alike.

Show an interest in their school and homework

It’s really important that we as parents set a positive tone around school and homework. Even if you wish there wasn’t any homework, letting your child know how you feel won’t help anything. It will make it much harder to get them to do their work in a positive and calm way.

Each day ask your child how their day at school went and ask some specific questions like what was the favourite thing they learned? Or who did they sit next to at lunch? Asking specific questions helps gets children to open up and answer with responses that are more developed than the standard “fine.”

Also, ask questions about their homework. What they have, what it’s about and ask them to elaborate and tell you about what they are learning.

Throughout this time of conversation, make eye contact and be interested in what your child has to say. Don’t have phones or other electronics in hand or turned on. Make it a meaningful conversation.

encourage homework

Have a set homework time

Our daily routine is: come home from school, get changed and play for 45minutes. Then it’s snack and homework time. We follow this routine every day. For us, it works much easier to do homework earlier rather than later in the day.

If you have after-school activities, your homework time might have to be later. I recommend having it as early as possible because the later in the day it gets, the more tired and less concentrated the kids can get.

Having a set time helps the kids to settle in and know it’s “homework time”. That’s the time it’s done, there’s no arguing or debating or negotiating. Homework time is homework time and stick with that.

Create a study zone

Having a dedicated place to do homework or study is a nice way for kids to settle in. Kids respond so well to routine and having their dedicated homework zone boosts up the routine even more.

Having a desk in their room is a lovely way for kids to have a special area to do their homework. Cabin Beds are a great way to fit everything your child needs into a small space including their bed, homework zone, bookcase and more! There are Cabin Beds for sale from Room to Grow that are both stylish and practical too.

encourage homework

Have minimal distractions

Homework time needs to be a calm time. So no tv, devices or toys allowed. Remind the kids to do their work and then they can play when they are done. It takes longer if they keep getting up or trying to play in between assignments. So keep distractions away. Get the homework finished well then it’s off to play again.

Praise their good efforts

Kids respond so well to being praised. So tell them how well they are doing at their homework and at their school work. If it’s been a struggle to get them to do their work, praise them every few minutes for their good effort. Keep focusing on the positive rather than complaining that they aren’t doing it right. In time, it will get easier and easier. And homework time can be a positive and constructive time.

If you have been having a tough time with homework, you can set a little prize for successful homework times when the child sits and gets it done. Something like a game of cards, 5 minutes of a tv show they love or something like that works well as motivation and keeps things positive. Consider reward items that your child can enjoy and use for their studies. A great example would be Japan Crate’s curated stationery. They include notebooks, planners, markers, and other accessories with eye-catching and lively designs. A set of cool or cute stationery can help motivate your child to do their homework and study after class.

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