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Our virtual school party with Non-Stop Kids Entertainment

I was gifted an online entertainment experience from Non-Stop Kids Entertainment in exchange for an honest review; as always, all opinions are my own and I only share experiences and products I truly enjoy.

Non-Stop Kids Entertainment is a Cannock-based company which normally delivers around 8,000 children’s parties a year across the UK through a network of over 100 entertainers. They also work with corporate clients including Drayton Manor and Cirque du Soleil.

In reaction to COVID-19 lockdowns, Non-Stop Kids developed a Virtual Party package, catering for up to 100 children at a time. 

Virtual parties use Zoom technology so that the entertainer can interact with all the children taking part and involve a mixture of magic, songs and games tailored to the age group of each individual party.

All your friend’s parents need to do is click on the link that you have sent them at the time and date you have chosen, and that’s it. Their children can log in via any device – a laptop, a computer, a smartphone, a tablet – basically anything!

The children will be able to see each other and will be able to see the entertainer. Unlike a static video, it is a truly interactive experience. The kids can interact with each other as well as with the entertainer.

Our Party Experience

When Non-Stop Kids Entertainment got in touch with me, I thought it’d be a lovely treat for my kids’ school to have a virtual party. It’s a small school so there would be less than 100 devices needed to get everyone together. Since school ended so abruptly, the kids are missing their friends and the fun they’d normally have at the end of a school year. The principal and teachers were on board and we set a date for the party when the school sports day would have been held.

The email I received from Non-Stop Kids was really clear in instruction and explained that the kids can join the party 10 minutes in advance to chat. And there is 5-10 minutes at the end to chat too. Then during the party, the kids are on mute so everyone can hear the entertainer. Our party package was one hour – half magic, half party games.

It was so fun to see everyone from the school during the open chat time. The teachers, parents and kids were all there and everyone had such big smiles on their faces. It was so lovely.

The entertainer announced that the show would be starting soon and then we all were muted.

The first half was magic and it was fantastic. The entertainer involved the kids, teachers and parents by choosing people to help pick a number or an item. So even though we were on mute, there was loads of audience participation. The entertainer would come up the camera and pick people out by name.

He was very impressive with his tricks and did some close up magic right in front of the camera that I have no idea how he did it. We were all well impressed.

Next up was party games for the second half of the show. The entertainer did various action dances and the kids, parents and teachers all followed along. He gave shout outs for great moves after each dance, which encouraged more dancing. It was a great laugh!

The party finished up and we had about 5 minutes to chit chat and say goodbye to each other. The entertainer gave a one-minute warning before turning off the party so people could have their goodbyes.

After the party, I received loads of emails, texts and calls from the parents thanking me for organising it and telling me how much their kids enjoyed it. In these strange times we are in, it’s nice to get together anyway we can and a virtual party made that happen while also providing some fun and a break from the usual school day at home.

Booking Information

The Complete Package which includes your Entertainer, Virtual party room, and free time for the children before and after the party in the Virtual Party Room is priced as follows:

  • £50 – 30 Minutes

  • £65 – 45 Minutes

  • £80 – 60 Minutes

  • £100  – 90 Minutes

There is the option to upgrade to a deluxe package which includes everything you get in the complete package plus

  1. A personalized electronic animated invite with a picture of the birthday child for you to forward onto your invitees

  2. A downloadable recording of the party for you to keep forever

  3. Add any theme to your package

  4. Virtual Party Bag

Upgrades to the Deluxe package cost from £20.

Discount Code: Use code 20CF20 which entitles you to a free upgrade to the deluxe package when you book a standard. Grab more info and making a booking over on Non-Stop Kids Entertainment.


Non-Stop Kids Entertainment have offered a lovely giveaway for one of my readers. Pop over to this Facebook post to enter for your chance to win a virtual party of your own! Ideal for birthdays, schools or any occasion. The virtual party can accommodate up to 100 devices from anywhere in the world! So invite everyone from anywhere and enjoy the party. Good luck!! x GIVEAWAY CLOSED

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