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These Double Terminated Smoky Citrine Gemstone Wands are excellent quality with lots of beauty within them.


This crystal can help you with:

  • Clearing of negative energy
  • Healing
  • Aligning with the Angels
  • Raising your vibration
  • Supporting your intentions
  • Grounding
  • Transformation 


Smoky Citrine is an amazing crystal that has a blend of smoky quartz and citrine. These two crystals are each very powerful on their own that combine to work in perfect harmony with each other. The Smoky aspect can draw negative energy from the self, and the Citrine aspect will cleanse and transform the energy into a positive state.


This gem absorbs negative energy, clearing and purifying the aura, and draws in the positive and uplifting energies of the Golden / Yellow Ray. The Golden Ray represents higher insights, wisdom, letting go or clearing of emotions or thoughts and creative inspiration. The energy of this Ray teaches us love, laughter, wisdom, enlightenment, and peace.


Some varieties are lighter in colour than others, depending on the amount of smoky quartz included.


This product includes one citrine wand, which I will intuitively choose for you. If you wish to choose for yourself, feel free to email or text me right after making your purchase.


Energy can be channelled into crystals where they are held and will radiate out to those who hold them or into houses that host them. I channel healing, protective and transformative Angel Energies into these crystals.


Smoky Citrine are amazing tools that you can use for self-healing as well, by holding the point to your body and feeling the healing energy run through.


This product includes one Smokey Citrine Wand, which I will intuitively choose for you. If you would prefer to choose your own, send me a text or email after making your purchase.


Please note that with all gemstones, each wand is slightly different in shape, colour and size.

Smoky Citrine Crystal Wand, Double Terminated, 6 Facets

  • Average Height: 60-78mm (2.8 - 3")

    Width: 17-20mm (.7")



    Each crystal is unique. If you wish to choose for yourself, feel free to email or text me right after making your purchase.


    Comes in a cotton pouch, and lovingly wrapped.

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