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7 Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

Although welcoming a new life into the world is a fantastic experience, it has challenges. Joy, excitement, and many questions arise every day during pregnancy. For parents, it is an emotional rollercoaster as the enthusiasm comes with the obligations for the health of one's unborn child. In the US, the rate of pregnancy complications is 16%, which spells trouble for many parents.

Even while you may frequently concentrate on what not to do when pregnant, there are many things to know. Expectant mothers make some errors that may result in birth abnormalities and cloud what should be a glorious occasion. Let's examine seven of these blunders to highlight the need to make thoughtful decisions during this transition period.

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy

Perhaps you're saying to yourself, "But a little wine won't hurt, right?" Not true. A significant no-no when pregnant is alcohoL because it can travel from the mother to the fetus through the placenta.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are birth malformations that stem from alcohol consumption during pregnancy. These can include lifelong physical, behavioural, or intellectual problems. Therefore, you must avoid cocktails when pregnant altogether.

Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke

You may have the urge to sneak a smoke when under stress as an expecting mom. However, remember that smoking while pregnant is a surefire way to complicate things. There are thousands of dangerous compounds in cigarette smoke that can impede your baby's oxygen supply.

It increases the chance of low birth weight, premature birth, and birth abnormalities, including cleft lip or palate. You cannot also undermine the health risks associated with secondhand smoke. If your partner smokes, encourage them to move outside if you're around them.

Lack of essential nutrients

While there are perfectly acceptable pregnancy cravings, your unborn child will not benefit from an excessive amount of ice cream and pickles. You are the child's primary provider of vital nutrients like iron, calcium, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids necessary for healthy growth and development. 

Ensure a balanced pregnancy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains to ensure that your baby gets all the vital nutrients. See a certified dietician for personalized guidance if you have any doubts regarding your diet.

Misuse of prescription medications

A prescription does not guarantee that a medication is safe to take while pregnant. If you fail to pay attention, some medications, such as antibiotics, painkillers, and antidepressants, can harm your unborn child. For instance, omphalocele is a genetic birth defect, but certain medicines taken during pregnancy can compound its risk. 

If you are pregnant or plan to conceive, let your doctor know so they can provide safe medications. Discuss your concerns and worries regarding your treatment plan or ask questions.

Untreated infections

Ignoring illnesses during pregnancy is the worst mistake you can make as an expectant mother. If antibiotics are not addressed sooner rather than later, your infant may be at risk from infections like UTIs, STIs, and even a regular cold. 

Leaving UTIs untreated might result in kidney infections or premature labour. You can avoid such complications by seeking immediate medical attention if you think you may have an infection.

Environmental exposures

Pregnant women are constantly exposed to substances that could be dangerous during pregnancy, from pesticides to cosmetics and home cleansers. Your baby's risk of developmental abnormalities may be increased due to exposure to specific toxins and pollution. 

Avoid painting or refinishing furniture and avoid places with high air pollution during pregnancy to minimize exposure. Consider reducing the use of chemical cleaners, cosmetics, and household products. Talking to your healthcare physician about any possible environmental hazards is also a good idea.

Being irregular with prenatal appointments

Another mistake you should avoid during pregnancy is making compromises with prenatal care. Your baby's growth and development require regular monitoring for early detection of any possible issues. It is possible with routine check-ups with your healthcare professional. 

Missing out on essential screenings and interventions is like lost opportunities. In addition, you should be regular with your appointments because they give you a chance to talk to an expert about any queries or worries you may have regarding your pregnancy journey. Therefore, you must prioritize scheduling those appointments because your baby's health is at stake.


In summary, being pregnant is a beautiful and exciting journey, but it also entails a lot of responsibilities. You may contribute to a better start for your child by steering clear of these typical blunders and making wise decisions. Recall that you are making decisions for two people and eating for two. Let us, then, make them matter.

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