This school year is flying by! I can't believe we are at October break already! I know when we get back into school it will be the quick slide into Christmas. The kids are discussing their lists for Santa. It's very exciting times here. :)

Website Launch
Last week I officially launched my new website to my subscribers and on social media. This site has been a year in the making. I am delighted with how it has turned out. It's the first time in my nearly 7 years of blogging that I hired a web designer and a photographer. And I feel like it has made such a positive improvement to the site. Not just the look but how it navigates.
I have my services listed now and my online shop with the frequency jewellery that I make and some frequency infused crystals too. If you have any questions or would like assistance with selecting an item I am more than happy to intuitively choose for you. You can always contact me for help or for custom orders.

We have been enjoying homeschool this year with our youngest two kids. It's been a really amazing experience. I wasn't sure how it would work in the long run, but each month we feel more relaxed and closer. It's been freeing and great for the kids to have some choice in what and how they learn. We have been enjoying educational games such as I'm A Puzzle, a puzzle where kids can practice math.
The resource I've used most over the past year or so is Twinkl. I've found it oh so useful. There is a huge amount of resources available within the Twinkl library. The resources are teacher-created and provide entire schemes of work, lesson planning and assessments right through to online educational games, augmented reality and so much more.
There is a home education section within Twinkl. It's a great way for us to follow along with the school curriculum and also be able to do it our own way. The kids really enjoyed the Halloween activities this year, the word search and cut out witch being their favourites!

Fun Plans
We are booked into Westport House Halloween Fest this Monday which we are really looking forward to. Tickets include pumpkin carving for each child. Pumpkin carving is my favourite part of Halloween so I'm super excited, as are the kids. All of the rides will also be open. Grab more info on visiting Westport House.
I'm also hoping to get to the movies. We have had such a long time of doing nothing that I am really excited for this break and to get out and about.
I'm also feeling really excited about Christmas. I have booked us into the Westport House Winter Wonderland too, where we can see Santa. Honestly, I feel more excited about this Christmas than I have in years.
Last year we didn't see Santa in person, we saw him via zoom and I must say it is not the same experience. It was fine for last year but I'm really hopeful we will get to see the big man in person this year, all going well! You only have so many years when the kids are little and I don't want to waste any of them.
What are you up to this October break?? x