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It’s the End of Summer Holidays!!

Writer's picture: Becky O'HaireBecky O'Haire

Oh, I can’t believe we are at the end of August already. The summer has flown by. It wasn’t the summer we had planned but it was still a wonderful summer!

Here’s a quick recap… my son fell and hurt his knee week 1 of summer holidays so that left us restricted as to what we could do each day. For the first two weeks, he barely left the couch. We made the decision to look to the positive and we learned a lot of important lessons and took a trip to Westport House. If you missed that blog post you can catch up here.

The cast came off and he began walking and then running. He’s up to full playing mode now and will be back into his soccer training this week (which he’s thrilled about).

We didn’t get away or do any camps this summer so I have something exciting planned for us in the autumn, I’ll let you know the details closer to the time! I honestly can’t wait for the break, it’s badly needed.

As much as I hate for the summer holidays to end, I know there will be a nice calm once we get back into a routine. My little lady starts big school this year. She looks so grown up in her uniform, I have no idea where the 5 years have gone. It will be a strange feeling to have no baby at home or anyone in play school this year!

This summer I’ve taken things easy on the blog front as you might have noticed. Some weeks I didn’t publish anything! But we have been sent loads of amazing products which I have been featuring on my Instagram Story. One of the highlights has been a BABY Born interactive doll. My daughter adores her! She does real wees in her diaper, cries real tears and can go in the bath. What more can you want from a doll?

I have one of these gorgeous BABY Born dolls up for grabs. Click here to enter for your chance to win via Gleam App.

My #PositivityCorner Twitter chat is still going strong. It’s a highlight of my week now. Each week there’s a different positivity topic. Some weeks I host by myself and others I have a co-host. And there is always a prize or two up for grabs too. If you are on Twitter I’d love if you joined the chat from 9-10bst, just use #PositivityCorner.

I think that’s it from here! How has your summer been going? I know the UK schools have a little longer left as we finish up earlier here in Ireland. And I see kids in the US have gone back to school as they finished before us. We are all on different schedules!

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