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Quote of the Week 13

Welcome to my quote of the week 13! The time is just flying by, I can’t believe Candid Cuddles has been running for 13 weeks.  Every week I so enjoy choosing a quote, creating the graphic & writing a few words.  But, my favorite part of all is reading all of the amazing quotes that link up with Candid Cuddles.  So a big thank you to all of you lovely bloggers who share your thoughts with myself & Katie every week! x

I have two notebooks filled with all types of quotes – motivational, loving, funny, you name it! When I hear something that resonates with me, I write it in my book.  Some weeks I choose a quote from my books & other weeks I come across a quote in my travels.  This week’s quote comes from my notebook.  It’s actually the first page of my book.  It’s a quote that I like to re-read & remind myself about its significance.

Education is so important & I am appreciative for the level of education I’ve achieved.  But at the end of the day, if you don’t know who you are & what you stand for, then all the education in the world won’t make you wise.  It’s a knowledge of you – deep down & upholding your values & beliefs that make a person wise.

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