collaborative post
Self-care isn't just about spa days and taking time to rest, it is about creating a positive lifestyle and space for yourself - that is how you show yourself love. There are many ways to practise self-care like eating healthy, saying no if our schedule is overfull, practising positive self-talk and so on. A really fun and innovative way to practise self-care and to create a positive space is by making personalised Canvas Prints.
By using an online service like Picanova you can make truly personal artwork to fill your home. You can have positive messages, your own photographs, or anything your heart desires to fill the walls of your home.

You Deserve Your Own Love & Care
Often showing ourselves love and care is harder than it is to show love and care to others. And when you stop to think about that for a minute, isn't that so strange? The person that you will spend the most time with, and the most thought with is yourself. So as Buddha said so nicely...
You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love & affection.
You deserve your love and your care. We aren't taught this as a society, we are taught to be selfless, especially as women. So it might take a little effort to teach yourself to truly love yourself and care for yourself. Because you deserve it!
Why Self-Care is Important
For anyone who is feeling sceptical right now, I want you to know that self-care is essential to not only your own well-being but to the well-being of your loved ones.
Some of us feel like it’s selfish to take care of ourselves. Or that we simply don’t have the time to do it… I used to think like that too. So if you need a reason other than self-love to care for yourself, then how about it’s better for everyone around you?
If you are depleted then you have nothing to give to others! Self-care is not selfish, you cannot serve from an empty vessel. By looking after yourself, you are better able to look after your loved ones!

Ways to Create a Positive Space
Part of self-care is having a positive space for yourself to live in. We live most of our lives inside our own heads. What we experience and see around us affects our thoughts and how calm we feel. So putting some time into creating a positive space for you will help on so many levels.
First off, it will be fun to create your positive space. You can incorporate things like candles, flowers, plants, some fun quotes, meaningful decorations and custom prints. A few small changes can make a big impact!
You will light up your creativity and joy from the solar plexus chakra when you craft your positive space. And then you get to sit back and relax and enjoy the space you have created. So you are exercising self-care in both the making of your space and the enjoyment of it.
I find having some positive messages around helps remind me of the mindset I choose to maintain. I have some on the wall and others in frames. Making custom canvases, pillows, framed photos and more is a breeze on Picanova with a well-laid-out website and so many options to choose from.
Let your creative juices flow and give yourself the love and care to craft a positive space for yourself, filled with uplifting images that you love.

Final Thoughts
Self-care, in a nutshell, is freeing yourself from anything that isn’t good for your health.
Removing yourself from upsetting or negative people or situations as well as eating better and staying in a positive mindset is truly loving and caring for yourself.
Self-care is holding yourself with respect and not allowing yourself to be overworked or worried. Step back from or change the things that bring upset. Feed your body and soul with good food and good positive thoughts.
Creating a positive space for yourself with personalised canvases from Picanova can be a fun part of self-care in both the process and creativity that comes with creating the space and the enjoyment and positive vibes you will receive from your space.