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Quote of the Week 6

Welcome to Quote of the Week 6, with Candid Cuddles linky.

If there was ever a piece of advice that motivates me – this is the one!  If you can’t go one day without thinking about something, then you have to go for it. And when you do go for it, don’t give up! Keep trying, pushing and striving to improve.

My something I couldn’t stop thinking about was starting my blog.  I thought & thought & thought about it until one day I decided to go for it! It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m so thankful for my new blogger friends and my creative outlet! I’ve had tough days and lots of lows – realizing that I’ve done so many things wrong. But I keep pushing on and trying to correct mistakes and make future posts better. Blogging is a highlight of my day!

My advice to you is to follow that something you can’t stop thinking about! And:

Be Inspired.

Be Motivated.

Don’t Give Up.

Your mindset is everything.

What do you feel passionate about? What’s that something you can’t go a day without thinking about?

For more inspiration, read my Quotes of the Week!  If you have a quote to share, link up with Candid Cuddles.

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