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2016 Stats – Did I reach my goals?

I had fun reading over my blog stats 2015 post. It’s like going back in time! And it’s fun to see how much Cuddle Fairy has grown in a year! In January 2015 I had been blogging for 9 months. Now, Cuddle Fairy is approaching her second birthday!

A lot has happened in 2016! It was a really great year for Cuddle Fairy. I started to work with brands on some amazing collaborations. Cuddle Fairy had over 188k views all over the world! I grew my YouTube channel & faced my fear of talking to the camera (even though I still don’t like to do it). And grew my overall following to over 33k!!

Fun Stats from 2016

The three top commenters on Cuddle Fairy in 2016 were JakiJellz, My Random Musings & Beauty, Baby & Me. Thanks so much for the comment love, ladies!!! x

The most viewed post in 2016 was my Cruise Norwegian Breakaway post – it contains tips for cruising that amazing ship. We paid for our cruise, thoroughly enjoyed it & I wrote a few posts about it. They are some of my most viewed posts every day which is amazing!

The second most viewed post in 2016 was I’m Winter Ready with The North Face (there was an incredible giveaway there) & third most viewed was Where do you fall on the cleaning spectrum? 

So, let’s see if I met my goals for 2016!

In January 2015 my blogging goals were the following, and in red is whether I met that goal….

1.  Grow my Pinterest following to 2,000 & have it as a top 5 referrer for my blog. Nope! Never focused on Pinterest properly; by a miracle, I have 1.4k followers but Pinterest is not a top referer for my blog.

2.  Grow my following on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram to a combined 20,000. YES! Woohoo! I have a combined following on these three networks of over 30k so I’m delighted with that!

3.  Add to my YouTube video collection & start building a subscriber base. Over the past couple of months, I started to grow Cuddle Fairy’s YouTube channel & I’m now addicted to it. I’m loving making videos!! I have over 1k subscribers which I’m thrilled about. 

4.  Make a media kit & a site map. Done & done! I need to update my media kit this month.

5.  Start making money from blogging.  I’m happy to say I have started making money in 2016!!

6.  Continue to learn the technical side of blogging. That’s the unfun side for me. I do the best I can with the help of Google!

7.  Find a blog / life balance & schedule that works for me & my family.  I don’t think you can ever find a perfect balance but I’m doing better than I was last year!

Other goals included running my two linkys which I still do – Blogger Club UK & Candid Cuddles. Not spending too much time on social media, which I’ve been better about. It’s tough as a small blogger who doesn’t have any staff though! lol I had a realization that there is only so much I can do in a day. I am treating my blog like a business & trying to stick within reasonable working hours.

Goals for 2017

I’m not really a New Years resolution type of person but I do like to set goals for myself & my blog. For Cuddle Fairy, these are my 2017 goals…

1. To continue to grow Cuddle Fairy as a business, with more brand collaborations.

2. Branch out in other ways – maybe a book!

3. Continue with my linkys & current schedule of posting.

4. Focus on growing Facebook & Pinterest.

5. It might be over ambitious but I’m setting myself a 50k follower goal for this year! EEEEKKKKK!!!!!

6. Keep the family / blog balance in check which means not spending every weekend blogging & not over doing it on social media.

So there you have it! 2016 at a very quick glance. And 2017 in the making. What are your goals for 2017? x

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