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Writer's pictureBecky O'Haire

I’m going to Brit Mums Live 2016

I’m super excited to attend my very first Brit Mums Live conference & awards ceremony in London this June! Brit Mums Live (BML) is a full day of learning, networking & socializing for bloggers, influencers & brands. This year it’s being held at The Brewery in London.

As you might know, Cuddle Fairy is shortlisted for a brilliance in blogging (BiB) award from Brit Mums in the Inspire category. I’m beyond excited & honoured by this! The voting ends on 18 May at midnight GMT. The finalists will be announced at the end of May.

I’m looking forward to attending BML whether I make the finalist list or not – obviously, I’d rather make the finals lol If you haven’t voted, you can do so by clicking the graphic below & ticking ” Cuddle Fairy” in the Inspire list. Thank you very much!


I’m looking forward to meeting bloggers I chat with on social media! Brit Mums has a linky set up where bloggers who are attending BML can introduce themselves so that’s what I’m going to do now!

Just in case all else fails, I’m going to try to have some sort of Cuddle Fairy graphic with me as this is what I look like on social media:

Cuddle Fairy Logo

My blog: Cuddle Fairy

Find me on social media at: You can always find me on Twitter! I’m also on Facebook, Instagram, Google +, Pinterest & my newest network – YouTube.

How I look: I’m tall for a girl at 5′ 9″, brown curly hair although I’ll probably have it straight for the conference. This is me!

cuddle fairy

Is this my first blogging event? It is my first Brit Mums Live! I have attended a few blogging events in Galway with ITWBN. I’ve found them all to be really motivating & inspiring, so I’m really looking forward to this event!

I will be wearing… That’s a good question. I have no idea what I will be wearing. I am between a maxi dress & skinny jeans with a top. You will just have to wait & see!

What I hope to gain from #BML16: Meeting bloggers who I chat with every day, face to face! It will make them into real people! lol Learning from top bloggers at the seminars & meeting some brands & influencers. Maybe having a glass of wine & a night out! I have to admit I’m kind of overexcited for it.

My tips for a great conference: Be outgoing! Talk to everyone & be yourself.

Meet My BML Sponsor – Innovo!

I’m able to attend BML because of my amazing sponsor – Innovo! Innovotherapy is a non-invasive way of restoring the pelvic floor. Many women suffer from leaks after having a child or two or three… There are other causes such as menopause & it’s not just women who suffer from this problem.

Innovotherapy sends impulses through pads attached to the thighs & bum to activate the muscles in the pelvic floor & calm the bladder. Read more about Innovotherapy.

I’ll be sharing more about Innovo with you over the coming weeks! They are a fantastic Irish company. You can connect with them on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.

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